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South Island Ultra Marathon

West Coast Wilderness Trail Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand

The South Island Ultra Marathon will be held on Saturday 11th May 2024 on the West Coast Wilderness Trail on the West Coast of the South Island. ***Late entries are now open! We have had a number of spots open up for the Destination Westland South Island Ultra Marathon. Injuries and Covid have struck a

The Big Bike Film Night 2024

Hokitika Regent Theatre 23 Weld Street, Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand

BIG BIKE FILM NIGHT 2024 The Big Bike Film Night is on a mission- bringing the best cycling short films from around the world together for you. Showcasing 2.5 hours of moving bike films that has everything a cycle-centric audience could want – action, drama, humour, and plenty of inspiration; the evening is unashamedly and

Culture Feast ’24

4th Westland Boys Brigade Hall 290 Hampden Street, Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand

The Westland Multi-Cultural Festival is intended to be a collaborative Festival of Events to be held in partnership with various community groups and stakeholders in May 2024. The Lions Club of Hokitika is specifically responsible for organising and running in partnership CultureFeast '24 which will be a public display of Culture including Arts, Crafts, Food,

CultureFeast ’24

4th Westland Boys Brigade Hall 290 Hampden Street, Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand

CultureFeast '24 Ethnic Food, Live Music, Arts & Crafts, Dance Performances at the Westland Multicultural Festival Sat 25th May 2024 2pm to 7pm Boys Brigade Hall, 290 Hampden Street, Hokitika

The Nolan Family Reunion Film Event

Hokitika Regent Theatre 23 Weld Street, Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand

Nolan Family Reunion Movie Event Join with the Nolan family this Saturday 1st June from 1 pm atHokitika’s Regent Theatre to view a selection of film archives significant to the Nolan family.Free entry - Donations will be kindly accepted

100 Years of Flight

An important new transport connection from the West Coast to Canterbury was made on 4th June 1924 when Captain Maurice Buckley and mechanic Bill Harrington, flew Avro 504K (H5241) Blazing Arrow from Greymouth to Christchurch, pioneering the very first aerial crossing of the Southern Alps. The aircraft had flown the first flights on the West

Bruce Mason’s The End of the Golden Weather

The Old Lodge Theatre 11 Revell Street, Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand

Kiwi theatre classic for The Old LodgeContinuing its agenda of mounting a classic play in the Blackball Bathhouse each summer, Kiwi/Possum Productions presented a NZ classic at the end of January: Bruce Mason’s The End of the Golden Weather and have found a weekend among other commitments to bring it to The Old Lodge Theatre

Matariki Family Fun Weekend at the Westland Industrial Heritage Park

Westland Industrial Heritage Park 9 Brian Waugh Lane, Hokitika, Westland, New Zealand

Family fun at the Westland Industrial Heritage Park in Hokitika! 10am to 3pm for the whole park plus train rides, then 5pm to 8pm NIGHT TIME TRAIN RIDES, opening Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June. Visiting trains, Tractor Rides, Sausage Sizzle (with drinks available too!) and possibly Fire Engine Rides! The Big Engine Shed Sound

Fireworks Extravaganza

Kumara Racecourse Kumara Racecourse, Otira Highway, Kumara, Westland, New Zealand

Save the date! Festival of Light - Fireworks Extravaganza is on June 28th, starting at 4pm at Kumara Racecourse. $30 per car (max 5 ppl). $10 per adult and $5 per child (under 12) walk-in, drop off, or more than 5 in a vehicle.It's going to be a night to remember! #PuangaMatariki #Fireworks #WestlandFestival This is an all